Ultralow Power Nonlinear Response in an Si Photonic Crystal Nanocavity

  • 作者:Yong Zhang, Danping Li, Cheng Zeng, Yu Shi, Zengzhi Huang, Jinzhong Yu, and Jinsong Xia

  • 摘要:Optical nonlinear response and bistability behavior are observed in a fabricated silicon photonic crystal three defect-long (L3) nanocavity. The L3 cavity, which is coupled with a photonic crystal waveguide, has a quality factor of 60 000. Optical nonlinear response of the L3 cavity is observed at 4.65-μW input power, and the threshold power for optical bistability in the L3 cavity is 26.1 μW, which are the lowest values for silicon L3 cavities. A nonlinear coupled mode model is established to analyze nanocavity characteristics systematically. Numerical simulation results indicate that the ultralow power nonlinearity is due to the high Qfactor and large thermal resistance of the nanocavity.

  • 出版源:IEEE Photon. J.

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